Polish Cognitive Linguistics Conference 2018 CFP

PCLA conferences provide a forum for high-quality research in Cognitive Linguistics. The leitmotif of the conference is Multimodal Patterns in Cognition and Communication. In addition, the upcoming PCLA conference will host a panel of experts discussing the status of multimodal constructions in developing models and empirical testing.

The Polish Cognitive Linguistics Association (PCLA) and the Faculty of English at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań are pleased to announce the 2018 annual PCLA conference, Cognitive Linguistics in the year 2018, to be held in Poznań, 24 – 26 September 2018. The leitmotif of the conference is Multimodal Patterns in Cognition and Communication. The conference will be preceded by Empirical Methods in Linguistics Workshops on 23 September 2018 designed for PhD students. Scholars at more advanced stages of their careers are also welcome.

Plenary Speakers

  • Barbara Dancygier (University of British Columbia)
  • Cornelia Müller (Europa-Universität Viadrina Frankfurt)
  • Anatol Stefanowitsch (Freie Universität Berlin)
  • Johanna Kissler (University of Bielefeld)
  • Katarzyna Bromberek-Dyzman (Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań)

Round table debate

The status of multimodal constructions in developing models and empirical testing Empirical methods in Linguistics workshops

Four workshops will be offered on the following research techniques:

  • Designing eye-tracking experiments in linguistics: Challenges and solutions (Dr. Paweł Korpal and Olga Witczak, MA)
  • The Development of Experimental Procedures in Linguistics (+ hands-on with E-prime) (Dr. Halszka Bąk and Bartosz Brzoza, MA)
  • Introduction to Statistics in Corpus Linguistics with R (Prof. Dylan Glynn and Dr Karolina Krawczak)
  • Gesture research using Microsoft Kinect motion sensor and Kinemo and ELAN software (Konrad Juszczyk, Ewa Jarmołowicz-Nowikow and Anna Jelec http://kinemotion.amu.edu.pl)

Call for theme sessions proposal

Organizers of theme sessions should be prepared to submit the following information:

  • a short description of their session topic (300-500 words, including references);
  • an indication of the expected number of participants with names and proposed titles of at least half of them; the workshops can either consist of 4 (preferred length) or 8 presentations (possible).

The abstracts for theme sessions will undergo the same reviewing procedure as those

for the general session and will be submitted through the same submission system.

Important dates

Theme session proposals: 20 December 2017

Second Call for Papers (including call for participants in the theme sessions): 08 January 2019

Abstract submission: 15 February 2018

Notification of acceptance: 15 April 2018

Submission guidelines

Abstracts of no more than 500 words (including references) should clearly state

research questions, methodology, data, and (expected) results. More information

about Submission and a link to the submission platform will be given in the 2nd CfP.

Scientific Committee

Bogusław Bierwiaczonek (AJD Częstochowa)

Katarzyna Bromberek-Dyzman (Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań)

Barbara Dancygier (University of British Columbia)

Dirk Geeraerts (KU Leuven)

Adam Głaz (UMCS Lublin)

Elżbieta Górska (Warsaw University)

Marcin Grygiel, (Rzeszów University)

Laura Hidalgo (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)

Martin Hilpert (Neuchâtel University)

Laura A. Janda (Tromsø University)

Marlene Johansson Falck, (Umea)

Henryk Kardela (UMCS Lublin)

Johanna Kissler (University of Bielefeld)

Zoltán Kövecses (Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest)

Barbara Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk (University of Łódź)

Agnieszka Libura (University of Wrocław)

Aliyah Morgenstern (Université Paris 3 Sorbonne Nouvelle)

Cornelia Müller (Europa-Universität Viadrina Frankfurt)

Andreas Musolff (East Anglia University)

Karolina Rataj (Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań)

Elena Semino, (Lancaster University)

Farzad Sharifian (Monash University)

Waldemar Skrzypczak (UMK Toruń)

Elżbieta Tabakowska (Jagiellonian University)

Krystyna Waszakowa (Warsaw University)

Jordan Zlatev (Lund)

Organizing Committee

Małgorzata Fabiszak, Anna Jelec, Iwona Kokorniak, Karolina Krawczak, Ewa


If you have any questions you can contact us at: PTJK2018@wa.amu.edu.pl

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