International Workshop on Narrative Engagement 1: The Multidisciplinary Foundations of Storyworld Possible Selves

This two-day workshop includes five two-hour sessions of a theoretical and practical nature in which experts in several of the theoretical frameworks on which the theory of storyworld possible selves draws will present and discuss insights related to narrative engagement within their fields of expertise. The workshop is intended for members of staff and MA and PhD students with an interest in narrative at large, and, more specifically, in issues connected to narrative engagement, cognitive narratology, cognitive linguistics, narrative psychology, communication studies, and reader response research.

Dates: 11-12 November 2021

Organizers:Luc Herman (University of Antwerp), Anneke Sools (University of Twente) & María-Ángeles Martínez (University of Alcalá)

Funding: Research Foundation – Flanders (FWO) project "'This is who I could be': Storyworld possible selves and fictionality," coordinated by Luc Herman.

Day 1, Thursday, November 11th

9.30-10.00: Welcome session (Luc Herman, Anneke Sools, María-Ángeles Martínez)

10:00-12:00: Claus Lamm (University of Vienna): "The Social Neuroscience of Empathy – from Shared Affect to Self-Other Distinction."

15:00-17:00: Arie Verhagen (Leiden University: "Blending theories of conversation, iconicity, and narrative perspective: Complex intersubjective coordination emerges from elementary human cognitive and communicative abilities."

17:30-19:30: Mark Turner (Case Western Reserve University): "Cognitive Processes for the Fluid Construction of Selves."

Day 2, Friday, November 12th

10:00-12:00: Jan Alber (Aachen University): ""Experiments with Identities: Storyworld Possible Selves and Boundary Expansions."

15:00-17:00: Marco Caracciolo (Ghent University): "Narrative Selves and Worlds in Flux: An Enactivist Perspective."

17:15-18.00: Discussion/Closing session

Registration is free of charge, but attendees must register in advance using this link:

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